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Joseph Wong,M.Div., CSD, CSDS

Certified Spiritual Director, Spiritual Direction Supervisor, Pastor


I am passionate in bringing together theology and social justice, spirituality with culture and arts, and walking with fellow Christians to rediscover God’s presence and calling in their lives.

Joseph is the Executive Director of Cascadia Living Wisdom, partnering with Dr. David G. Benner to facilitate awakening and learning from the wisdom traditions. Joseph is also the Director of the Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre, where he provides direction and oversees spiritual formation programs and services to promote spiritual growth and opportunities for people to give attention to their souls. 

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We are all spiritually hungry. As St. Augustine would say that we all longed to fill that heart-shaped desire, deep in our soul. It is only God who can fill that void and give us the true satisfaction in our heart. In this spiritual pilgrimage, we all need someone to walk alongside us, to journey with us, to give us guidance and support in the search for meaning of life.  

Spiritual Direction is a sacred time and space reserved for God, allowing God to transform us from within. God is always and already present amongst us, it is just us who lack the awareness of His presence. A Spiritual Director serves as a spiritual companion to support you, through attentive listening and spiritual prompting, to discern where is God drawing your attention to, to listen more deeply to your true self and embrace who you are created to be in God’s image, and integrate these awareness into your daily life and your calling. 

For me, as a spiritual director, it is important to be holding a trusted, non-judgemental space for us to grow together as “soul friends,” as fellow pilgrims through the different seasons of your life, exploring who God created you to be, discerning and celebrating God’s presence in your daily happenings and work through different challenges and losses in the pilgrimage of life.

I believe in and utilize various expressive arts and experiential spiritual disciplines to help others gain new spiritual insights, and grow closer in their relationship with God.I have over 15 years of ministry experience working as a Program Director for Across U-hub, a non-profit organization. I am currently working with the First Nations community in Northwestern Ontario, facilitating workshops and activities to help the indigenous youth to establish a healthy self-image, heal spiritual wounds and share their stories and changes they wish to see through the safe channel of art and film. I am currently pastoring Mosaic Baptist Church in Markham as well as the Haven Community, a space for people who felt lost, trapped, and wore out in life to reconnect with God through communal living, contemplation, expressive arts and worship.

I am a member of the Tyndale Spiritual Directors Association (TASD) and Spiritual Direction International (SDI), Certified Spiritual Director (CSD), a Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor (CSDS) in Training, and a Focusing Trainer Trainee with the International Focusing Institute (IFI). I have completed my Master of Divinity degree, majoring in Spiritual Formation at Tyndale Seminary


Contact Joseph

If you like to learn more about spiritual direction, you may contact me at
